4x5 cropped image of a model facing away from the camera wearing the blue velvet ice dye shirt dress against a white background
4x5 cropped image of a model facing away from the camera wearing the blue velvet ice dye shirt dress against a white background
4x5 cropped image of blue dye spreading down white fabric, darkest at the top and lighter toward the bottom of the image
4x5 cropped image of blue dye spreading down white fabric, darkest at the top and lighter toward the bottom of the image

Our velvet jersey was hand dyed in Los Angeles using powdered dye pigment and ice in a novel and proprietary technique. The garments are first attached to a custom-built dyeing apparatus before our season’s blend of colors are mixed and applied to the top of the apparatus in powder form. Then, blocks of ice are placed on top of the powder, and as the ice melts the colors blend and dye the fabric. This natural process results in each garment being considered as truly “one-of-a-kind”.

4x5 image of model Alaato Jazyper walking a runway wearing the blue velvet ice dye shirt dress with black cone boots and a black bar bag, with spectators legs on the right and left sides of the image and another model in the distant background
4x5 image of model Alaato Jazyper walking a runway wearing the blue velvet ice dye shirt dress with black cone boots and a black bar bag, with spectators legs on the right and left sides of the image and another model in the distant background